“In the footsteps of the Stella Alpina” from Aiton (73)

2 days of 200 to 220 km/day, 70% slopes. With passages at more than 2900 meters, the Sommeiller pass, the Jaffereau fort, the strada de l’assieta…,

Bivouac or hotel accommodation upon reservation.

Several dates possible on request.

Departing from Savoie, organization of a guided hike for trail and maxi-trail via small roads and tracks to reach the place of the oldest (1966) and highest concentration of motorcycles in Europe.

Possibility of carrying out this hike on the day of the concentration under conditions. ​

"La Stella Alpina" (Bardonecchia /Italy) The goal of this international concentration of motorcycles is to reach the Col du Sommeiller which peaks at 3008 m.

2 day hike

2 stages of around 250 km adjustable according to the levels Level: intermediate and experienced pilot

Group: 6 motorcycles maximum Accommodation package (hotel/gite) and or Bivouac (price on request)

Decreasing price from 3 simultaneous registrations - Find out more!

Program overview:

1st day: Saturday -Departure at 8:30 a.m. from Aiton (73) -Ascend the Maurienne valley by roads and tracks. -Lunch out of the bag.

-Lac du Mont Cenis and descent to Suza (IT) via an old military track.

-Ascent to the Jafferau fort (2775 m) via an old military track which takes the “Galleria Seguret” and the cretes track (2500m)

- Descent to Bardonecchia, arrival at the bivouac or Hotel.

-Late afternoon climb to the Col du Sommeiller (3008m) and descent at nightfall 2nd day: Sunday

-Wake up at 8:30 a.m. and breakfast in Bardonecchia

-Return via Sestriere via the Assietta military route and passing the Col de la Fenestra (2176 m)

-Passage of the Col du Mont Cenis, descent to Modane via the slopes and descent from the Maurienne valley via the Montvernier bends

- Arrival in Aiton around 7 p.m.

Possibility of adapting the level of difficulty of this hike for a complete group See you soon.

La Stella alpina

a motorcycle parked on a rocky beach next to a body of water
a motorcycle parked on a rocky beach next to a body of water
a group of motorcyclists standing in front of a mountain
a group of motorcyclists standing in front of a mountain

From mid-July, Saturday and Sunday or Tuesday and Wednesday

a motorcycle with a map on the back of it
a motorcycle with a map on the back of it
a group of people standing at Stella Alpina around a mountain
a group of people standing at Stella Alpina around a mountain

For other projects, contact me.